Elisha D. Smith Public Library

January 16, 2014


Call to order at 4:01 p.m. by Vice President Mary Crawmer

Present:  Eisen, Golz, Kiley, Nichols, VanderHeyden, Wicihowski, Harvey (teen rep)
Absent:  Murray
Also present: Director Lenz, K. Beson (Children’s Services Supervisor), C. Brandt (Support Services Supervisor), J. Bongers (Adult Services Supervisor)

Authorization of Bills
A motion to authorize payment of the January 2014 list of bills as presented was made by Nichols and seconded by VanderHeyden.  Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Business
The following Consent Business items were presented for the Board’s consideration:
Approve Library Board meeting minutes from December 19, 2013
Accept Policies & Personnel Committee meeting minutes from December 18, 2013

Motion to approve the Library Board meeting minutes of December 19, 2013, and accept the minutes of the Policies & Personnel Committee meeting of December 18, 2013, was made by Golz and seconded by Wicihowski.  Motion carried unanimously.

Director’s Report/Information Items
1. December Statistics.   Overall annual circulation is very close to the same as last year.  The door count during December was down significantly from last year, which may reflect the harsh winter we’re having.  Combining drop-in programs and regular programs with last year’s totals put them on a par.  Beginning next month, these will be divided for a continuous year, and the statistics will be more readily comparable. Website statistics will now be gathered for us at the Winnefox office using Google Analytics, which accounts for the difference in numbers.

2. Current Budget Status.  As of the beginning of January, 95% of the 2013 budget funds have been spent.  After factoring in the bills listed on the register approved at this meeting, there should be small carryover to 2014.

3. Endowment Report.  The endowment recently received $4,675 in various donations.  An annual report will be distributed at the February meeting.
4. Staff Reports.  Kathy Beson distributed an annual report of activity in the Children’s Department.  Joe Bongers provided an overview of the materials budget and offered an update on the progress of accepting credit card payments using Square Register.  Director Lenz discussed the budget implications of the library’s sick leave payout benefit as it pertains to the retirement of the Office Manager. 

5.  Strategic Plan Annual Review. Trustees reviewed a status update to the 2013 – 2018 strategic plan.

Discussion/Action Items
6. Office Manager Position.  The board discussed proposed changes to the Office Manager position, including changes to the title, duties, and pay scale.

A motion was made to change the Office Manager position and pay scale to an Administrative Assistant position with a pay scale of $17.00 to $21.23 per hour by VanderHeyden and seconded by Kiley.  Motion carried unanimously. 

7. Trustee Essentials.  Teen representative Aaron Harvey reviewed Chapter 15, The Library Board and the Public Records Law. 

Director Lenz reminded trustees of the WLA Library Legislative Day in Madison in February.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:55 pm by Kiley and seconded by VanderHeyden.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Bongers, Recording Secretary