- Blood Drives
- Book Sales: The Friends of the Menasha Library now has an ongoing book sale near the checkout desk.
- Fiction Book Discussions on the first Thursday of each month at 10:00am
- Fox Cities Book Festival
- Fox Cites Reads
- Genealogy Workshops
- Hosted monthly on the third Saturday of each month at 9:00am
- Workshops sometimes feature speakers but always include help with searching for ancestors
- Legal Assistance
- Memory Cafés
- Hosted monthly on the third Wednesday of each month at 1:30pm
- Hosted by the Fox Valley Memory Project
- Monday Matinees: The second and fourth Mondays at 2:00 pm.
- MoneySmart Week
- Usually happens in April each year
- Focuses on increasing community's financial awareness
- National Library Week
- We celebrate National Library Week every April
- Come to the library for treats, enter to win prizes
- Reading Programs for children
- Spice of the Month Club
- Story Times for preschoolers & babies
- Summer Reading Programs for everyone
- Winter Reading Programs for everyone
See our Events Calendar.