Everyone is invited to join the Family Roots Wisconsin when they hold their monthly genealogy meeting on the third Saturday of each month at 9:00am. Meetings include a time to share news, a time to share genealogy research techniques, and sometimes a speaker.
This month's meeting features Wisconsin Historical Society Reference Librarian Lori Bessler who will explain how to find genealogical collections anywhere. The paper trail of our ancestors is long and found in many places. Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org have only a portion of the trail. Attend this virtual meeting to find out the many, many other places to look for genealogical collections.
Lori Bessler has helped researchers for over 30 years and researched her own family for over 40 years.
Meetings are usually held at the library but are now online. There are no dues to belong to Family Roots Wisconsin. (There is a charge if you would like to receive the newsletter.)
Chromebooks are available for checkout from the library if you need one to attend. To participate, join the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Join the Discussion
You can also dial in using your phone:
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 826-970-813
The general public is invited.
Library Genealogy Resources
All programs at the Elisha D. Smith Public Library are free and for everyone. Those with special needs are encouraged to call the library office at 920.967.3662 within 24 hours of an event to assure that specific needs with regards to parking, building and meeting room accessibility are met.
Todos los programas de la Biblioteca Elisha D. Smith son gratuitos y para todos. Aquellos con necesidades especiales pueden llamar a la oficina de la biblioteca 920.967.3662 con 24 horas de anticipación a un evento para asegurar que las necesidades específicas de parqueo, acceso al edificio o acceso a las salas de reunión puedan ser satisfechas.