Get free legal assistance on the first Tuesday of each month between 4:30 and 6:30pm in the library's lower level Co. E Room.
Winnebago Free Legal Assistance Clinic is a non-profit organization consisting of volunteer attorneys and paralegals who provide free legal assistance to the community on most civil legal issues. Each of the clinic locations operate on a first-come, first-served basis. The services provided are limited and may include: a brief legal consultation with an attorney (or referral to an attorney if one is not available); assistance with legal forms; assistance with legal procedures; and guidance to additional resources. When attending a clinic, please bring any paperwork that is relevant to your case so the volunteers can better assist you.
Please note, the Free Legal Assistance Clinic cannot help you if you already have an attorney representing you for that legal problem.
Volunteers at the library can help you out whether you are proceeding pro se (without an attorney) or if you need the help of an attorney free of charge. The clinic can offer help with the following types of cases:
Family law
Small claims
Domestic abuse/Harassment
Probate/Will or Guardianship
Property disputes
Get advice on how to represent yourself or get a referral to an attorney who can possibly represent you without a fee. First come, first served.
There will be volunteer attorneys available to evaluate your problem and in most cases give you advice about how you should proceed.
You may be already suing someone else. Maybe someone is suing you. You may need to modify an order such as child support or placement of your children. You might need the protection of a restraining order. Or maybe you are feeling that you have been wronged and do not know what you can do about it.
All programs at the Elisha D. Smith Public Library are free and for everyone. Those with special needs are encouraged to call the library office at 920.967.3662 within 24 hours of an event to assure that specific needs with regards to parking, building and meeting room accessibility are met.
Todos los programas de la Biblioteca Elisha D. Smith son gratuitos y para todos. Aquellos con necesidades especiales pueden llamar a la oficina de la biblioteca 920.967.3662 con 24 horas de anticipación a un evento para asegurar que las necesidades específicas de parqueo, acceso al edificio o acceso a las salas de reunión puedan ser satisfechas.