20,000 years in a blink of an eye – the past, present, and future of the Great Lakes with Titus Seilheimer, Ph.D.
The Great Lakes were carved out by the movement of glaciers during the last ice age. From a geological perspective, that glaciation was just yesterday. The ecosystems of the Great Lakes have developed since the ice receded. People have changed the lakes profoundly in the last two hundred years, and now the warming climate is changing the lakes completely. How did the Great Lakes form and change through time to what we know today? Join Dr. Titus Seilheimer for a journey through time to look at where the Great Lakes have been, are now, and where they are going in the future.
About the presenter: Titus Seilheimer is the Wisconsin Sea Grant fisheries specialist. Based at the UW-Manitowoc campus, he holds a doctorate in biology from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, where he studied fish habitat in Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Titus worked as a research ecologist for the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Research Station in St. Paul, Minnesota, developing water quality models for the Western Great Lakes. He also led research on fish habitat in springs and the classification of river flow regimes at Oklahoma State University, and he assessed the impacts of flow regime change on fish assemblages at Cornell University.
Location: Company E. Room
Duration : 1 hour
All programs at the Elisha D. Smith Public Library are free and for everyone. Those with special needs are encouraged to call the library office at 920.967.3662 within 24 hours of an event to assure that specific needs with regards to parking, building and meeting room accessibility are met.
Todos los programas de la Biblioteca Elisha D. Smith son gratuitos y para todos. Aquellos con necesidades especiales pueden llamar a la oficina de la biblioteca 920.967.3662 con 24 horas de anticipación a un evento para asegurar que las necesidades específicas de parqueo, acceso al edificio o acceso a las salas de reunión puedan ser satisfechas.