August 8, 2022
Called to order at 1:34pm
Present: VanderHeyden, Stojanovic and Witt
Also Present: Director Kopetsky and Business Manager Dreyer
Public Comment/Communication
Consent Business
A motion was made by Witt, seconded by Stojanovic to approve the minutes of the Policies and Personnel Committee of June 24, 2022. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel Policy
The committee discussed the following additions/deletions to the Personnel Policy:
A.3. The library director hires all other library employees. Unless a change is authorized by the Board of Trustees, hiring for a vacant position will be at the same classification for the same number of hours and at the same or lower compensation level as the previous employee in the position. The Board of Trustees shall be kept apprised of vacant positions. All hiring of regular employees will be reported to the Board of Trustees at their next meeting.
A.5. A newly hired employee shall serve a probationary period of 6 months during which time the employee will be required to demonstrate his or her fitness and qualifications for the position. At any time during the probationary period the employee may be dismissed by the library director. The library director may give 2 weeks’ notice, pay in lieu of such notice, or dismiss without notice. The Board of Trustees shall be notified of such dismissal at their next meeting.
1. Full-time and part-time permanent position classifications for the library are:
a. Director
b. Library Supervisor
c. Librarian II
d. Associate Librarian I
e. Business Manager
f. Clerk Lead
g. Library Assistant II
h. Library Assistant I
i. PageB.4. Pages will start at a board approved rate and advance to step 2 (the highest step) based on performance, at the recommendation of their supervisor and upon approval of the library director, after completing 6 months of employment. After advancing to step 2, pages are eligible for cost of living adjustments only, upon approval by the Board of Trustees.B.5. Library Assistants shall start at a board-approved base rate and advance a maximum of five steps based on performance, the recommendation of their supervisor and upon approval of the library director, and the guidelines set forth in sections 8. and 9. below.
B.4. The regular weekly hours of library assistants, clerk, leads, associate librarians, and librarians shall be determined by the number of hours they work Monday through Friday in summer and Monday through Saturday in winter.
B.4.c. Hours worked on paid holidays, on days before or after a holiday that the library is closed, and hours worked in excess of 40 hours/week shall be paid at a rate that is 1.5 times an employee’s normal rate of pay (Overtime Pay). On holidays and days before or after a holiday that the library is closed, supervisors shall schedule employees to work a minimum of an hour.
B.6.d. Exempt salaried personnel are not eligible for overtime pay or compensatory time in that their compensation emphasizes results achieved rather than hours at work. Such employees, however, are subject to extended efforts as their work requires, and should be allowed reasonable freedom when personal needs and convenience demand. Needs for such privilege should be covered in advance when possible with the Library Director. No monetary remuneration will be made to exempt salaried personnel under this policy at any time.
B.6.e. Non-exempt employees who are required to work in excess of 40 hours per week shall be compensated or awarded compensatory time at a rate 1.5 times their current rate of pay for overtime hours worked. For purposes of calculating overtime, labor law applies except that Holiday, Floating Holiday, and Vacation hours shall be considered time worked. These hours are subject to approval by a supervisor. Funeral and sick Leave shall not be included in that calculation.
B.5. Salary and wage sales shall be set for Clerks, Associate Librarians, Business Manager, Librarians and Library Supervisors for all library staff.
B.5.b. Pages will start at a board approved rate and advance to step 2 (the highest step) based on performance, at the recommendation of their supervisor and upon approval of the library director, after completing 6 months of employment. After advancing to step 2, pages are eligible for cost of living adjustments only, upon approval by the Board of Trustees.
B.5.d. There are 3 additional performance recognition steps, also of 2.5%, which may be awarded to employees who have reached the top of their respective scales, based on performance. These merit increases shall be awarded only to employees who have exceeded their usual job performance. Supervisors shall make the case for these merit increases to the library director, who shall decide whether to bring such an increase to the Board of Trustees for approval.
B.5.e. Scales for part-time employees will be prorated by dividing the annual salary of full-time employees by 1,950 (the library’s number of annual full time work hours) and multiplying by the annual number of work hours of the employee.
B.6.a. New employees will start at an appropriate wage step based upon the base step (step 1).
B.6.b. In recognition of prior experience or other qualifications. a new employee may be assigned to a higher step.
B.6.c. Employees who are promoted to a higher classification will be assigned to an appropriate step.
B.7.a. Part-time employees at the clerk lead level and above will advance as follows.
B. 7.c. In order To make each employee's work year coincide with the calendar/budget year, a new employee beginning work after January 1 and on or before July 1 will be eligible for advancement to the next step on January 1 following the date of employment. Employees hired in the second half of the year after July 1 will be eligible for advancement during the second January after employment.
B.7.d. Advancement from one step to the next will be approved in advance by the Board of Trustees based on individual performance evaluations and recommendations approved by the library director.
B.7.e. There are 3 additional merit increases available performance recognition beyond the base wage steps, for the Clerk position and higher, also of 2.5%, which may be awarded to employees who have reached the top of their respective scales, based on performance. There is one such step for Pages and Library Assistants. These merit increases shall be awarded only to employees who have exceeded their usual job performance. Supervisors shall make the case for these merit increases to the library director who shall decide to bring such an increase to the Board of Trustees for approval.
C.2. In case of an emergency closing, employees shall be paid their regular pay for that day if they were scheduled to work. If an employee calls in before an emergency closing is declared and is given permission to take a paid leave day, that employee must use the paid leave time for that day. Temporary, substitute, and contract casual employees shall not be paid for emergency closing.
C.3. Staff members are required to be in the library and ready to work at the assigned time. Two or more incidents of tardiness occurring within a single pay period will be considered excessive and will result in disciplinary action. Habitual, repetitious, or patterns of tardiness will also result in disciplinary action.
D. LEAVES may be taken in a minimum of 15-minute increments.
1. COMPENSATORY LEAVE: An employee can choose to have any overtime paid or taken in compensatory time.
a. Accumulation of this leave shall be approved by an employee’s supervisor prior to working extra time.
b. The use of compensatory leave shall be approved by an employee’s supervisor.
c. Leave shall be awarded on a 1.5-for-1 (time and a half) basis for time worked over 40 hours per week. Any paid time off is not considered actual hours worked.
d. A full-time employee’s compensatory leave balance at any given time shall not exceed 40 hours. That maximum is prorated for part-time employees.
e. Compensatory leave shall not be used unless it has been earned.
f. Any compensatory time not used is paid out at the employee's current rate of pay on the last paycheck of each calendar year.
D.1.b. Full-time employees shall be awarded vacation leave on January 1 of their first full calendar year of employment as follows:
i. Paid vacation will be granted to all benefitted employees based on the following schedule.
1. Upon hire: 15 days (prorated: 1.5 days per each full month remaining in calendar year of hire date. Example: an employee with a hire date of 6/2/2022 would receive 9 days)
2. Five years of service: 20 days
3. Ten years of service: 25 days (maximum)
Part-time employees will have vacation day prorated based on their scheduled hours per week. (example: 30 hour per week employee would receive 6 hours pay per days’ vacation)
Start date in January – March 75 hours
Start date in April – June 55 hours
Start date in July – September 37.5 hours
Start date in October – December 20 hours
Following years 75 hours (10 days)
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 5th anniversary 112.5 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 10th anniversary 150 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 17th anniversary 157.5 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 18th anniversary 165 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 19th anniversary 172.5 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 20th anniversary 180 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 21th anniversary 187.5 hours
The maximum is 187.5 hours/year.
c. Part-time employees regularly scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week and fewer than 30 hours/week are annually awarded the same, on a prorated basis, as follows:
Regularly scheduled to work at least 20 hours/week and fewer than 30 hours/week:
Start date in Jan. – March 20 hours of personal holiday time
Start date in April – June 12 hours of personal holiday time
Start date in July – Sept. 8 hours of personal holiday time
Start date in Oct. – Dec. none
First Full Calendar Year of Employment:
Start date in Jan. – March 40 hours
Start date in April – June 30 hours
Start date in July – Sept. 20 hours
Start date in Oct. – Dec. 10 hours
Following years 40 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 5th anniversary 60 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 10th anniversary 80 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 17th anniversary 84 hours
After this, add 4 hours each year; the maximum is 100 hours/year.
Regularly scheduled to work at least 30 hours/week:
Start date in Jan. – March 30 hours of personal holiday time
Start date in April – June 18 hours of personal holiday time
Start date in July – Sept. 12 hours of personal holiday time
Start date in Oct. – Dec none
First Full Calendar Year of Employment:
Start date in Jan. – March 60 hours
Start date in April – June 45 hours
Start date in July – Sept 30 hours
Start date in Oct. – Dec. 15 hours
Following years 60 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 5th anniversary 90 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 10th anniversary 120 hours
At the start of the calendar year following employee’s 17th anniversary 126 hours
After this, add 6 hours each year; the maximum is 150 hours/year.
d. Employees are expected to use at least 1 week of vacation per year.
C.2.b. If a holiday falls on an employee’s regular day off, the employee should arrange a time with his or her supervisor to take compensatory time off within 30 days before or after the holiday. Benefitted staff will be awarded an extra floating holiday for any holidays listed under item 2 that fall outside of the normal work week, Monday through Friday (see 3 for guidance regarding Floating Holiday usage).
C.4.SICK LEAVE shall be earned by employees working the requisite hours per week per the City of Menasha. Employees may use sick leave if they are ill, for medical and dental appointments, or in the case of temporary physical or mental inability to perform normal duties. Sick leave may also be used for the illness or injury of a minor child or step-child under the employee’s care, or for absences necessitated by the serious illness of the employee’s spouse, domestic partner, or parent. An employee may also use sick leave for absences necessitated by the serious illness of any other member of the immediate family pursuant to the Family Medical Leave Act.
a. New employees begin earning one day per month of sick leave at the end of their first full calendar month of employment. Employees shall be awarded 12 days of sick leave on January 1 of each new year.
b. The number of sick leave hours earned each month and employees’ maximum accumulation of sick leave shall be based on the number of hours regularly scheduled to work per week.
a. Regular full-time employees shall earn sick leave at the rate of one (1) day
per month. New employees begin earning one day per month of sick leave at the end of their first full calendar month of employment.
b. The number of sick leave hours earned each month and employee’s maximum accumulation of sick leave shall be based on the number of hours regularly scheduled to work per week.
d. Employees may use sick leave if they are ill, for medical and dental appointments, or in the case of temporary physical or mental inability to perform normal duties.
D.6. EMERGENCY LEAVE is available to employees who have accumulated unused sick leave.
a. Emergency leave shall not exceed 22.5 hours [18 hours for those regularly scheduled to work at least 30 hours/week; 12 hours for those regularly scheduled to work 20 hours/week but fewer than 30 hours/week.] of leave each calendar year.
b. Such leave may be taken in the event of legitimate and urgent family needs. In this case, family is defined as daughter, son, legal ward, spouse, sibling, parent, or grandparent.
c. Emergency leave shall be authorized by the library director.
d. Emergency leave shall be deducted from accumulated sick leave.
F.2.a. The library shall reimburse the Associate Librarians I, Librarians II, Supervisors and Director for annual basic dues in the Wisconsin Library Association (WLA) or the American Library Association (ALA).
M.4.j. Angry Outbursts or temper tantrums.
Motion made by Witt, seconded by Stojanovic, to approve the edits to the Personal Policy as noted above. Motion carried. This will be presented at the August 23 Board of Trustees meeting.
Motion made by Witt, seconded by Stojanovic to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2:04pm
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer