It's National Novel Writing Month! Or, NaNoWriMo for short. Come and write with the Fox Cities Wrimos. Every Saturday 1:00 to 4:00pm.
This write-in session is open to anyone. All aspiring authors are invited to begin working toward the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59pm on November 30. Sign up at and track your word count throughout the month. Get information about NaNoWriMo and share your projects with fellow Wrimos.
These write-in sessions will be participant organized and led by a local chapter member. Space is limited but you will be able to reserve a spot when you joined the local Facebook group: Fox Cities Wrimos (
Write-ins give you a chance to hang out with other Wrimos, have snacks and coffee, and be inspired to write. Come for as long, or little, as you like. Bring along notebooks, laptops, or whatever you use to write.
Location: Company E. Room