Start the new year with information and tips about how to apply the principles of Feng Shui to make your spaces healthy, balanced and happier.
Join instructor Stephanie Lynn Hall to learn tips & tricks about this technique helpful to improve stress management, increase relaxation, and so much more!
Duration: 1 hour.
Location: Company E Room.
About the program and presenter:
Stephanie Lynn Hall, shares her knowledge in an Inspiring, Energetic, and Empowering manner while teaching you stress management techniques you can use immediately. With training in Eastern and Western health care, she takes a multi-faceted approach and is passionate about helping people learn the strategies needed to achieve optimal health and wellness. Her focus is on following Prevention Principles instead of being reactive to health problems. Stephanie Lynn’s motto: “Healthy & Happy by Design.” By staying positive and taking small steps, goals can be achieved. As a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Massage Therapist, Reflexologist, Yoga and Pilates Instructor, & Feng Shui Consultant, she teaches people how to reduce stress & anxiety, reduce pain, sleep better, move effortlessly & view food as a friend. Join Stephanie Lynn and learn tips and tricks for managing stress that you can use this holiday season and beyond!
All programs at the Elisha D. Smith Public Library are free and for everyone. All library events are free and open to everyone. Those with special needs are encouraged to call the Reference Desk at 967-3690, within 24 hours of the event, to assure that specific needs with regards to parking, building and meeting room accessibility are met.
Todos los programas de la Biblioteca Elisha D. Smith son gratuitos y para todos. Aquellos con necesidades especiales pueden llamar a la oficina de la biblioteca 920.967.3662 con 24 horas de anticipación a un evento para asegurar que las necesidades específicas de parqueo, acceso al edificio o acceso a las salas de reunión puedan ser satisfechas.