Enjoy a time visiting with our featured artist : Michael Vanevenhoven. His work is on exhibit during the months of February and March by the Miron Fireside room. Light refresments will be served
Location: Miron Fireside Room
Duration: 2 hours.
About the exhibit and artist
Enjoy a unique visual experience through the lens of photographer Mike Vanevenhoven. A small but relevant sample of his work with a subject matter that moves between urban and rural. Michael graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh in 1976 with a BAE in Art. Soon after graduation, he began an over 45-year career in Photography, working in the portrait, advertising and commercial photography industries. During this time, he exhibited his personal work throughout the state, including several solo shows and was a multiple award winner while a member of the Professional Photographers Association.
All programs at the Elisha D. Smith Public Library are free and for everyone. All library events are free and open to everyone. Those with special needs are encouraged to call the Reference Desk at 920.967.3690, within 24 hours of the event, to assure that specific needs with regards to parking, building and meeting room accessibility are met.
Todos los programas de la Biblioteca Elisha D. Smith son gratuitos y para todos. Aquellos con necesidades especiales pueden llamar a la oficina de la biblioteca 920.967.3662 con 24 horas de anticipación a un evento para asegurar que las necesidades específicas de parqueo, acceso al edificio o acceso a las salas de reunión puedan ser satisfechas.