University of Oshkosh-Fox Cities
1478 Midway Road, Menasha 
June 25, 2024


Called to order at 4:04pm by Vice Chair Golz
Present: Trustee Englebert, Vice Chair Golz, Secretary Lane, Trustee Turner, Trustee Witt, Trustee Stojanovic and Superintendent of Schools Zimmerman
Absent: Trustee Franzoi, Trustee Halverson and Teen Rep Lane
Also Present: Director Kopetsky, Programming Services Manager Moore-Nokes, Business Manager Kozerski
Public Comment/Communication
Consent Business
A motion was made by Englebert, seconded by Lane to approve the Library Board of Trustees meeting minutes from May 28, 2024 with a change to reflect the correct meeting dates. Motion carried unanimously. 
Authorization of Bills
A motion was made by Lane, seconded by Witt to authorize payment of the June 2024 bills from the 2024 budget and endowment account. Motion carried unanimously.  
Renovation Process Update  
The library has been closed to the public since Friday, May 24th. Kopetsky reported that staff are ready for a soft opening at the temporary location starting tomorrow, several days ahead of the publicized opening date of July 1. 
Miron started demolition last week and has fenced off the site at the First Street location.
Kopetsky has been working to address the public concerns that have arisen now that the library property has had a change in accessibility. Discussion ensued. 
Donations are continuing to come in. Discussion ensued. 
The bidding process for the remaining renovation pieces is underway and will wrap up in early July.
Friends of the Elisha D. Smith Public Library Update
An official contract between the City of Menasha and the Friends of the Library regarding the Friends being the fiscal agent on the renovation process has been signed and submitted. 
New Business
Director’s Report

The month of June has been spent packing, moving and setting up the temporary library spaces at the University of Oshkosh-Fox Cities. 
Finances look good at this point in the year. Kopetsky still anticipates some unexpected expenses related to the relocation. 
Kopetsky has been working on fundraising tools and documents for the public portion of fundraising. Discussion ensued on donor recognition, memorial donations and logistics of managing donations. 
May Statistics
The successful Checkout Challenge in May is reflected in this month’s statistics, especially accounting for the library only being open for 75% of the month. 
Programming wrapped up in early May. 
2024 Budget Status
Expenditures are less than a normal year and this may continue. Moving forward, Kopetsky is hoping to shift unexpended funds to cover costs associated with building project and preparing for opening operations at the remodeled library in 2025. 
Director Kopetsky, along with Winnefox staff and area library directors, attended a 2025 budget meeting with Winnebago County officials. Discussions included 2025 budget requests and initial review of the upcoming 5-year library system / county agreement. 
Staff Reports
Staff has put a lot of effort into moving, creating office and workspaces, and setting up the temporary library from scratch. The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 4:00pm.
Motion to adjourn made at 5:08pm by Lane, seconded by Zimmerman. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Eva Kozerski, Recording Secretary