December 15, 2014

Called to order at 9:15am by Murray

Present:  Murray and Wicihowski
Absent:   None      
Also Present: A. Alix, B. Haessly, V. Maas, Director Lenz and K. Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)

Public Comment/Communication

Approval of Minutes:  Wicihowski moved, Murray seconded to approve the Building and Grounds Committee minutes of October 16, 2014.  Motion passed.

Main Meeting Room Floor:  Quotes were obtained for vinyl planking and carpet squares for the Company E Room.  The vinyl planking would cost about $12,000 from D & M Interiors.  Concerns were that it would show dirt, pads would be needed on the table/chair feet, it would be slippery if wet or damp, the acoustics, and mats would be needed for kids sitting on the floor.  The planks are replaceable but we would need to hire someone to do it.  The carpet squares would cost about $9,700 for mid commercial grade.   We could replace the squares if needed.  The current carpet is 10-11 years old and is cleaned about every three months.  Most of the stains are from soda or coffee.  Murray suggested requiring those using the room to put down a refundable cleaning deposit.  That would give organizations some responsibility in the room usage.  Wicihowski moved, Murray seconded to recommend to the board that we purchase carpet squares in the main meeting room with the cost not to exceed $11,000 out of the 2014 budget.  Motion passed. 

Entrance Project:  Miron gave us a quote of $29,000 to put in the planter to replace the Veterans Memorial in front of the building.  This expense is not in the 2015 budget.  We are waiting for another quote from Boyd Dietzen Construction Inc.  Alix offered to talk to Peggy Steeno in Finance about encumbering leftover funds for this project.  Wicihowski moved, Murray seconded that we recommend to the board that we encumber funds from the 2014 budget for the library entrance from the pending quotes.  Motion passed. 

Other Building Matters:  Last week, the roof leaked in the wall by the second floor stairway.  The wall will need to be repaired.  The roof is scheduled for replacement in 2015.   A humidity senor also needs to be installed in the morgue area where older documents are stored.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45am was made by Wicihowski and seconded by Murray.   Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary