Minutes of Regular Meeting
Elisha D. Smith Public Library Gegan Room
July 16, 2015
Call to order at 4:05pm by Murray.
Present: Eisen, Englebert, Golz, Murray, VanderHeyden and Wicihowski.
Absent: Crawmer, Kaminski (teen rep) and Rollins-Jump
Also Present: Director Lenz and Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)
Public Comment/Communication
Election of Officers
The slate of officers for the 2015/2016 term presented by the Nominating Committee were:
President: Murray
Vice President: Crawmer
Secretary: Wicihowski
President Murray asked for additional nominations from the floor. None were made. VanderHeyden moved and Golz seconded to close nominations and elect the slate of officers as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Appointment of Committees
President Murray made the following appointments to the Library Board’s Standing Committees:
Finance: Chair Murray, Eisen, Englebert, Golz and VanderHeyden
Policies & Personnel: Chair Wicihowski, Rollins-Jump and Crawmer
Building & Grounds: Chair Murray,Englebert and Wicihowski
Investments: Chair Murray, Golz and VanderHeyden
Fundraising: Chair Crawmer, Rollins-Jump, Wicihowski and Friends Rep. Gary Coopman
County Liaison: Eisen
Consent Business
Motion made by Eisen to approve the Library Board meeting minutes from June 18, 2015, seconded by Englebert. Motion carried unanimously. The Finance Committee will approve the minutes of July 14, 2015 at their next meeting and then they will be presented for approval by the Board of Trustees.
Authorization of Bills
Eisen asked about the endowment bill to the Apple Online Store for the two iPads. These iPads will have apps that teach learning skills; they will be attached to the table in the Children’s area. Murray asked about the Naviant invoice. This is the annual preventative maintenance bill for one of the copy machines. Motion made by Eisen to authorize payment of the July 2015 bills from the 2015 budget, seconded by Golz. Motion carried unanimously.
Director’s Report/Information Items
1. June Statistics. The total circulation for the month was -01% and is -1.9% for the year. The books on CD and periodicals show a considerable decrease; trustees questioned if spending on these should be reviewed. Including newspapers, the library has 216 subscriptions. Lenz has compiled 2014 Wisconsin Library Data comparing Fox Valley libraries and gave them Eisen to review for later distribution.
2. 2015 Budget Status. The budget shows that 49.6% of the year has passed and 53.4% of the budget has been spent. Two additional employees were added onto the health insurance at the beginning of the year; these were not anticipated during budget time.
3. Endowment Reports. The June monthly and year to date report was reviewed. A corrected one will be distributed to trustees.
4. Staff Reports.
• Kirk Moore-Nokes has been sent a final offer to be the new Young Adult and Media Librarian to replace Vanessa Taylir. Kirk has a master’s degree library science and is currently a librarian at the Neenah library. He is scheduled to start on August 17. He will be asked to attend a board meeting.
• A projector has been purchased to mount on the ceiling in the Children’s Story Room.
• The WiFi upgrade (4 routers) has been completed, giving us stronger and faster speeds.
• So far, 134 teens and 159 adults have signed up for the Summer Reading Program. [830 children are enrolled in the children’s program.]
• Lenz distributed a list of Trustee webinars from Winnefox.
• One of Lenz’s goals was to create a succession plan, which she handed out. The plan outlines how we will accomplish skills development and knowledge transfer. It includes the staff development plan, position descriptions and the hiring process. The plan will be put on next month’s agenda to discuss.
5. Finance Committee Report. The committee has reviewed the preliminary budget for 2016 and made some recommendations. They will meet again before the September board meeting to finalize their draft budget for the Board of Trustees. Eisen requested a closed meeting so that adjustments to all expenses may be considered.
Eisen provided the statistics since 2007 of registered borrows. DPI used to count the number of library cards people had; now they count the number of cards that are used during the statistical year.
Discussion/Action Items
6. Set day/time for coming year’s Board of Trustees meetings. Motion made by VanderHeyden to keep the Board of Trustees meetings at 4:00pm on the third Thursday of each month, seconded by Englebert. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Appointment of 2015-2016 Teen Representative. Motion made by Golz to reappoint Kayleigh Kaminski to be our 2015-2016 teen representative on the Board of Trustees, seconded by Eisen.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:38pm was made by Eisen and seconded by VanderHeyden. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary