APRIL 15, 2015

Called to order at 4:00pm by Crawmer
Present:  Crawmer and Wicihowski
Absent:   Coopman    
Also Present:   Director Lenz and K. Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)

Public Comment/Communication:  None

Action Items/Fundraising Efforts
A. Approval of Minutes:  Wicihowski moved, Crawmer seconded to approve the Fundraising Committee minutes from February 12, 2015.  Motion carried unanimously.

B. Mission Statement:  The following mission statement was proposed:

The Elisha D. Smith Public Library Board Fundraising Committee works with the library’s Friends and volunteers to:
     • bring attention to the library’s valuable role in our community.
     • ensure that future generations have as great a library as we have today.
     • promote the library endowment’s value as a charity.
     • build a larger endowment for the library through gifts, memorials, and fundraising projects.
     • provide more funding for the library materials, equipment, services, and programs.
     • develop ways for individuals to express their support of our great library.

The library does not have a formal Friends group that has meetings or pays dues but has a group of dedicated volunteers.  Motion made by Crawmer to approve the proposed mission statement, seconded by Wicihowski.  Motion carried unanimously. 

C. Smith Family Book Collection:  De Dalum and other volunteers are working on completing the bibliography of the Theda and Tamblin Clark Smith Family books that were donated to the library last year.  The committee discussed selling these books on the library’s website or holding a live auction.  Lenz will do more research by talking to Tom Lyons and Pam Captain.

D. More Frequent Book Sales:   It was suggested holding more frequent used book sales.  Last summer, we held a paperback sale which was successful.  Used magazines are sold continuously throughout the year.  The committee agreed to continue holding two major books sales each year with a mini-sale in the summer to clear out certain books that are abundant.  This summer’s sale will include paperback and children’s books. 

E. Can Project Status:  The aluminum can collection has raised $12.58.  We could reach out to businesses and the Menasha School District about how they can support the library by taking their aluminum cans to the Paper Valley Recycling Center and informing the attendant that they want their donation to go to the Menasha Public Library.  The committee will review again in 6 months.

F. Future Fundraising Projects: The Fundraising Committee’s goals for the 2015-2016 are as follows:
     • Hold one major fundraising event per year.
     • Have three book sales per year.  (two major, one only for collections that are abundant)
     • Conduct an end-of-year letter campaign.
     • Distribute the legacy brochures to attorneys, accountants, and financial planners.

The committee discussed the idea of a Murder Mystery fundraiser around Halloween.  Nonprofits can purchase free kits 3 times per year. 

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:45pm was made by Crawmer and seconded by Wicihowski.   Motion carried unanimously. 

Respectfully submitted, Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary