February 12, 2015

Called to order at 4:15pm by Wicihowski

Present:  Crawmer, Nichols and Wicihowski
Absent:   None      
Also Present:             Director Lenz and K. Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)

Public Comment/Communication

Approval of Minutes:  Nichols moved, Cramer seconded to approve the Policies and Personnel Committee minutes of December 15, 2014.  Motion passed.

Review of Chapter VII:  Personnel Policy
The following amendments were presented for review:
1. Page 1 - M. Healthy Workplace is added.
2. In section B.1. – Library Office Manager was changed to Administrative Assistant and Aide was changed to Library Assistant.
3. In section B.6. – Aides were replaced with library assistants and library office manager was changed to administrative assistant.
4. In section D.2. – Add:  If any employee is hired as non-benefited, vacation is awarded based on the latest date of becoming benefited.
5. In section D.2.a. – Personal holiday time must be used by December 31 of the year.  Delete First year of employment.
6. In section D.2.b. – Full-time employees shall be awarded vacation leave on January 1 of their first full calendar year of employment as follows. 
7. In section D.2.b and c - Second year of employment is replaced with First Full Calendar Year of Employment.  Completed 1 or 2 years at the end of the 2nd year was removed.  Following years was added.  At the start of the calendar year following the employee’s 5th, 10th, 17h, 18th, 19th, 20th or 21st anniversary was added.
8. In section D.2.c. – Part time salaried employees working at least 20 hours per week annually awarded the same, on a prorated basis as follows. 
9. In section D.2.d. – Employees are expected to use at least one week of vacation per year-- is the same but separated from the next point.
10. In section D.2.e. – A maximum of 1 week of vacation may be carried over not 37 hours.
11. In section D.5.b. – In this case, family is defined as daughter, son, legal ward, spouse, sibling, parent or grandparent. Domestic partner removed.
12. In section D.6.b. – Domestic partner or parent of a domestic partner was removed and domestic partner was removed in D.6.b.d.
13. In section D.6.c. - Forms requesting FMLA paperwork shall be submitted to the city’s Human Resources Manager at least 30 days before the leave, if possible.  In emergencies, the leave request may be made by a supervisor.  Any staff member with a health condition that may qualify for state or federal leave shall be encouraged to complete and submit a form.
14. In section D.6.d. – Domestic partner removed.
15. In section D.7. – We have included parent-in-law in the 3 days of funeral leave and took out domestic partner.  If additional time off is required, sick leave or unpaid leave may be used with approval of the director. To be eligible for funeral leave, the employee must attend the funeral of the decedent.  
16. In section E.6. – Life Insurance - This change reflects the decision made by the trustees during this past year that the library pays the monthly premium for regular full time library employees for basic group life insurance.
17. In section E.10. – The city now offers Roth accounts.
18. In section F.1.c. – The library budget may include an amount, to be determined annually by the Board of Trustees, which shall be used to defray tuition and fees expenses for employees.   An employee shall not receive more than the actual costs of tuition and expenses or a total of $500 per year.  Receipts documenting expenses must be submitted to administration for reimbursement.  (editing note: These sentences were separated and the committee is recommending putting them together.)
19.  In section I.2.a. – Office manager was replaced with administrative assistant.

Crawmer motioned to approve the recommended changes to the Personnel Policy and bring them to the board, seconded by Nichols.  Motion carries unanimously. 

Review of Chapter VI:  Organizational Structure
1. In section B.5.f. – Add - They may not be audio- or video-recorded.
2. In section B.5.g. – Add - Everyone attending board meetings, including the general public, shall have their cell phones silenced for the duration of the meeting.
3. In section C.4.e. – Establishment and implementation of work rules and regulations.
4. In section C.4.h. – Preparation of annual evaluations of all staff members.  (end of sentence removed.)

Nichols motioned to approve the recommended changes to the Organizational Structure and bring them to the board, seconded by Crawmer.  Motion carries unanimously. 

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:00pm was made by Nichols and seconded by Crawmer.   Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary