January 19, 2016

Called to order at 4:30pm by Wicihowski

Present:           Crawmer, Rollins-Jump and Wicihowski
Absent:            Franzoi      
Also Present: Director Lenz, J. Bongers (Adult Services Supervisor) and K. Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)

Public Comment/Communication
Franzoi was unable to attend this meeting but made a recommendation.

Personnel Change
In 2014, the part-time Clerk and Aide positions were combined into one:  Library Assistants.  A part- time employee, who has worked at the library since 1988, exceeded the Library Assistant hourly pay scale by 34¢ when awarded the cost of living adjustment for 2016. 

Crawmer moved to recommend to the board of trustees to retroactively grandfather that employee’s 2014 hourly wage above the wage scale established by the board on August 12, 2014, for Library Assistant’s and fix it at the current wage for 2016, allowing only for cost of living changes until there is a subsequent change in the compensation range for this position which would be above her then current hourly compensation rate, seconded by Rollins-Jump.  Motion carries unanimously. 

While circulation is following national trends and falling, programs and reference services are busier than ever.  It would be beneficial to fill the recently-vacated Adult Services Librarian position with a full-time person. This year, the change to the budget would be negligible due to staffing changes in
Circulation and the position being open. 

Motion made by Crawmer to expand the Adult Services position to full-time, including full-time benefits, and adjusting overall staffing with attrition to accommodate that change in future budgets.  Seconded by Rollins-Jump.  Motion carries unanimously. 

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:50pm was made by Crawmer and seconded by Rollins-Jump.   Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary