You have free wireless access (also known as hot spots or WiFi) throughout the library with a notebook, laptop, or other mobile device. This access does not require a password. All users are expected to use the library's wireless access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided. Use of this service is governed by the library's Internet Policy.
The public wireless network at the library is secure. Wireless users are isolated from each other, so users cannot detect each other's traffic. We also employ a feature called Air Marshal that will shut down any unauthorized access points, preventing impersonated access points.
We do not guarantee that anyone's traffic won't be compromised by malware/software/adware/whatever on their own devices through a patron’s own action.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I print from the wireless network?
Yes. Here are the instructions.
Can I access the library's catalog and electronic databases through the wireless network?
Yes, you may access both the library catalog and our online library.