Minutes of Regular Meeting
Elisha D. Smith Public Library Gegan Room
May 24, 2017
Called to order at 4:00pm by Chairman Englebert
Present: Chairman Englebert, Trustee Crawmer, Trustee Franzoi, Vice Chairman Golz, Trustee Halverson, Trustee Wicihowski, Trustee Witt and Teen Representative Beachkofski
Absent: Superintendent of Schools VanderHeyden
Also Present: Alderman Ted Grade, Director Lenz, Adult Services Supervisor Bongers and Administrative Assistant Dreyer
Public Comment/Communication:
The mayor and common council appointed Cynthia Witt to the Board of Trustees at their May 15, 2017 meeting.
Consent Business
Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Wicihowski to approve the Library Board meeting minutes from April 26, 2017. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by Halverson, seconded by Golz to accept the Library Governance Committee meeting minutes from May 16, 2017. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by Halverson, seconded by Wicihowski to accept the Library Ad Hoc Nominating Committee meeting minutes from May 16, 2017. Motion carried unanimously.
Authorization of Bills
Motion made by Golz, seconded by Franzoi to authorize payment of the May 2017 bills with the deletion of the Gale courses being paid at this time with WALS technology funds. Motion carried unanimously.
Director’s Report/Information Items
1. April Statistics. So far this year, adult checkouts are about the same as last year, digital checkouts are up 11.9% and circulation of young adult and children’s materials is down. Program attendance is down dramatically compared to last year due moving the Fox Cities Book Festival from April to October. Franzoi requested that Cate Brandt, Support Services Supervisor and Collection Development Chair, come to the next meeting to discuss challenges, trends, weeding, and how the collection development fund is allocated among formats.
2. 2017 Budget Status. Trustees reviewed the 2017 budget status.
3. Staff Reports.
· The carpet in the concourse was replaced on Tuesday, May 23.
· Cate Brandt attended the Celebrating our Volunteers dinner at the Radisson with our Volunteer of the Year, Sandra Bengs.
· Lenz attended the WAPL conference in Stevens Point. Librarian Colin McGinnis presented a program on podcasting at the conference.
· Jill Halverson and her family and/or friends will be distributing bookmarks promoting the Book Bike at the Memorial Day parade.
· The Company E Room was re-dedicated by the Mayor and Common Council in honor of the Company E regiment from Menasha who fought in WWI. The resolution was presented to the Twin Cities Veterans at their annual Armed Forces Day event; Wicihowski and Lenz there for the presentation.
· The variable frequency drive on the cooling tower/chiller broke down. The fix will be a major expense.
· Children’s Services staff visited all the Menasha elementary schools to promote the summer reading program.
Discussion / Action Items
4. Governance Committee Report.
The Governance Committee recommends the formation of a Marketing and Resource Development Committee to access/evaluate current marketing/information sharing practices, identify our target audiences, create an information sharing/marketing plan to communicate with our target audiences and community at large, establish a potential donor list, identify specific needs for fundraising, and create a fundraising plan. Englebert, Halverson, Wicihowski and Witt have agreed to serve on the committee. Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Golz, to approve the recommendations of the Governance Committee. Motion carried unanimously.
5. 2017 and 2018 Closing Dates.
It was recommended that the library remain open for regular hours on Saturday, December 23, 2017 instead of closing for three days in a row. Closing dates for 2018 were presented. Motion made by Crawmer, seconded by Halverson to approve the 2017 and 2018 closings. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Reimbursements for Service to Rural County Residents.
The Winnefox Library System has put the library’s 2016 circulation and costs for the year into a formula to determine reimbursement requests to counties for service to patrons living in rural areas. The library will ask Winnefox Assistant Director Mark Arend to request such payments from Winnebago and Calumet Counties. Service costs to residents of other counties were reviewed.
Motion to adjourn made at 5:17pm by Wicihowski, seconded by Franzoi. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, Recording Secretary