Minutes of Regular Meeting
Elisha D. Smith Public Library Gegan Room
June 28, 2017
Called to order at 4:02pm by Vice Chairman Golz
Present: Trustee Crawmer, Trustee Franzoi, Vice Chairman Golz, Trustee Halverson, Superintendent of Schools VanderHeyden, Trustee Wicihowski, Trustee Witt and Teen Representative Beachkofski.
Absent: Chairman Englebert.
Also Present: Director Lenz, Adult Services Supervisor Bongers, Support Services Supervisor Brandt and Administrative Assistant Dreyer. Children’s Services Supervisor Beson joined the meeting at 4:25pm.
Public Comment/Communication: None
Consent Business
Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Wicihowski to approve the Library Board meeting minutes from May 24, 2017. Motion carried unanimously.
Authorization of Bills
Motion made by Halverson, seconded by Wicihowski to authorize payment of the June 2017 bills. Motion carried unanimously.
Director’s Report/Information Items
1. May Statistics. Physical circulation was up 1.7% over the same month last year and digital circulation was up 16.8%.
2. 2017 Budget Status. Trustees reviewed the 2017 budget status.
3. Staff Reports.
· The July Books and Beyond Newsletter, 2017 Highlights Winnebago County Library, Trustee Tale Newsletter for Public Library Trustees and the Wisconsin Trustee Training Week 2017 was distributed.
· This is Mary Crawmer’s last meeting. She has served on the board since 2011 as a director, member of the Personnel & Policies Committee, as a member of the Building and Grounds Committee, chair of the Fundraising Committee, as board vice president and as board president. She also provided staff with treats, games and prizes for National Library Week. Thank you, Mary!
· This is also Erin Beachkofski’s last meeting as our teen representative. In the fall, she will be attending
U W-Milwaukee to major in computer science.
· Jill Halverson and her family accompanied the Book Bike powered by Librarian Colin McGinnis in the Memorial Day Parade that included a Miron Truck with its bed occupied by Children’s Supervisor Kathy Beson and some young library patrons. Thanks to everyone!
· On June 7, Cindi Witt, Jim Englebert and Director Lenz met for trustee orientation. Englebert and Lenz also met with Jill Hermans, Vice President of Talent at Faith Technologies, who may be interested in serving as a trustee.
· On June 8, Englebert, Assistant Director of Winnefox Library System Mark Arend and Lenz attended a meeting of the Calumet County Library Services Advisory Committee at the Chilton Public Library. They will be establishing an ad hoc committee to revisit their County Library Services Plan and re-evaluate the county’s reimbursement to our library for serving rural residents of Calumet County.
· On June 15, library directors of Winnebago County, Winnefox staff and Lenz met with the Ag and Extension Committee County to review reimbursements for serving rural residents of our county. The committee agreed on the recommendation to the county board as presented.
· Librarians Pattie Stanislawski, Ana Maria Acosta and Lenz took the bus to see the exhibits at the American Library Association Conference in Chicago on June 24. Children’s Associate Librarian Liz Tubman attended the entire conference. Tubman thanked the board for approving her request to attend the conference. She said that it was an engaging weekend and she learned a lot.
· So far, 734 children have signed up for the Summer Reading Program. About 58% of the children have come back at least once. There have been 8 children’s programs with a combined attendance of 704 which is up significantly from last year. Teen Summer Reading Program sign-up is up 25% (152) and adult sign up is up 27% (156). The average attendance for the Monday Matinees is 32 which is also up.
· Friends Volunteer Diane Hotynski submitted a proposal to purchase 4 new carts for the Circulation Department with the old carts going to the Book Sale Room to help with sorting. These were purchased to take advantage of the discount. Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Halverson, to ratify the purchase of the carts from the Friends account. Motion carried unanimously.
· The Book Bike has been to the Farmer’s market, Menasha pool, the Boys and Girls Club and Clovis Grove Elementary School.
· Adult Services Librarian Ana Maria Acosta is working with Frank Cabrera of La Vida Hispana Magazine to promote the library in his bilingual online magazine.
· Menasha Utilities is replacing the water main under 2nd Street. The library already replaced the lateral connection during the 2004 renovation so there will be no cost involved.
· The 2017 library survey results were distributed. There were many positive comments about the staff.
· Menasha School District Librarian Jennifer Peterson recommended a Menasha High School junior for the teen rep position – a position description was enclosed. Lenz will be meeting with him in July.
· Part-time Adult Services Librarian Colin McGinnis accepted a full-time librarian position at the Kimberly-Little Chute Library. His last day is July 8, but he will continue on a casual basis to help us through the summer. Lenz will work with the City of Menasha Human Resources Coordinator Candi Huber and Adult Services Supervisor Joe Bongers on a hiring process.
· The library did not receive the EBSCO Solar Grant. The grants went to Athens-Clarke County Library in Athens, Georgia, and Indian Trails Public Library in Wheeling, Illinois.
Discussion / Action Items
4. Collection Development Report: Support Services Supervisor Cate Brandt discussed how we allocate the materials budget to the library’s various collections. At the end of the year, Brandt will provide the board with a comprehensive report that looks at usage. What the community wants drives what materials we purchase.
5. Photocopier Purchase: The photocopiers in Tech Services and Administration are old and MBM can no longer maintain or get parts. The inkjet color printer in Tech is expensive to use. MBM proposed replacing them with one new copier at a cost of $1,080 and networking those with all the copiers and Laser Jet printers in the library for a single monthly service fee for maintenance and toner ($110.03). Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Witt, to approve the purchase of the printer proposed by MBM. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Deputy Director of Municipal Operations Adam Alix recommends the addition of a capital expenditure – chiller recommission at a cost of about $5,000. (This expenditure was removed from the 2017 budget before being approved by the Common Council.) Alix feels this repair is necessary and is recommending using the capital funds unspent from the 2017 carpet project (we spend $14,218 of the $25,000 budgeted). Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Wicihowski, to re-allocated the funds from the carpeting project to recommission the chiller. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion to adjourn made at 4:52pm by VanderHeyden, seconded by Franzoi. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, Recording Secretary