Elisha D. Smith Public Library
Long Range Planning Committee Meeting
September 19, 2007

Present: Brandt, Bongers, Eisen, Loch-Wouters, O'Brien, Schaefer Kemps
Absent: Englebert
Also Present: Director Saecker, Kris Seefeldt (Recording Secretary)

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Committee chair Colleen O'Brien.

Director Saecker distributed copies of census information pertaining to the Town of Menasha for the Committee to review.

Cindy Schaefer Kemps reported on plans for the diversity focus group. She is working with MJSD teacher Gina Grogan to form groups made up of teachers, high school students and parents. Hmong and Spanish-speaking populations will be represented.

Marge Loch-Wouters' children's focus group will be comprised of parents and individuals who work with pre-school and school-age children. The group will include a parochial school representative.

Director Saecker's special needs focus group will include representatives from the ARC-Fox Cities, the Menasha Senior Center, NAMI, and other organizations representing individuals with special needs in our region.

The focus groups will be scheduled to meet in September or October. Members of the Long Range Planning Committee should let Director Saecker or Kris Seefeldt know which focus group they prefer to work with.

The focal point of the groups will be current and future trends in our community. The following list of questions were selected to initiate dialogue with participants: 1) What do you see as big issues in our community, 2) What changes do you foresee in the next 5 years for our city, schools, and community at large, 3) What do you see as positive and negative trends in our community. Director Saecker distributed a list of topics which can be used to facilitate additional discussion with group participants. These include economic development, educational achievement, environmental protection, cultural resources, lifestyle improvement, public health and wellness improvement, personal and property protection. She also reviewed suggestions on how to conduct the focus group sessions effectively.

The Committee reviewed the function of mission and vision statements. The mission statement describes the overall purpose of the organization. The vision statement gives a vivid description of the organization as it effectively carries out its operations.

Committee members discussed the importance of choosing effective wording for our mission statement. There was a consensus to focus on vocabulary that most library users would be familiar with. Director Saecker will work on a selection of draft statements for the next meeting.

Committee members were asked to consider the significance of selecting a library motto. Examples of mottos currently being used by other libraries were reviewed.

The next Long Range Planning Committee meeting is scheduled to be held on October 17th in the Gegan Room at 5:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 5:59 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Kris Seefeldt, Recording Secretary