Minutes of Regular Meeting

Elisha D. Smith Public Library Gegan Room
December 13, 2017

Called to order at 4:05pm by Chairman Englebert
Present:     Chairman Englebert, Trustee Franzoi, Vice Chairman Golz, Trustee Halverson, Ad Hoc Trustee Jill Hermans, Trustee Schwerbel (arrived at 4:28pm), Superintendent of Schools VanderHeyden (arrived at 4:08pm), Secretary Wicihowski and Teen Representative Genz
Absent:     Trustee Witt
Also Present:     Director Lenz and Administrative Assistant Dreyer

Public Comment/Communication: None

Consent Business
Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Halverson, to approve the Library Board meeting minutes from November 29, 2017.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Authorization of Bills
Motion made by Wicihowski, seconded by Halverson, to authorize payment of the December 2017 (1) and January 2018 (1) bills as presented from the 2017 and 2018 budget.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Director’s Report/Information Items
1.    November Statistics.  Circulation of physical materials was up 2% compared to November of last year; November’s digital circulation was 19% higher. Year-to-date circulation is slightly higher than last year; overall program attendance is up 11%.

2.    Budget Status.  Trustees reviewed the 2017 budget status.  Year-end remaining funds will be retained by the city toward a 27th payroll in 2020.  Trustees asked for a citywide update on that effort; VanderHeyden will speak with John Jacobs, the city’s Administrative Services Director.  Lenz requested funds for some minor repairs and enhancements.  Motion made by Halverson, seconded by Franzoi to spend up to $3,000 for minor repairs and enhancements.  Motion carried unanimously.  

3.    Staff Reports.
       ·    The library received a grant from the Theda and Tamblin Clark Smith Family Foundation; Lenz was contacted by JP Morgan Chase who were interested in donating again for technology for children.
       ·    A list of the library’s 2017 Accomplishments and a report on 2017 Donations and Grant Fund for Technology was provided in the board packets.  
       ·    Lenz distributed an update on the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan.  The 2019-2024 Strategic Plan will be started in fall to give time for the Marketing & Resource Development Committee to put together an initial plan.
       ·    Lenz and Englebert met with Gina Cornu-Zacharias, principal at the bilingual Banta Elementary School, who is willing to work with us to better serve the Hispanic community.  Englebert also obtained some contacts in the  Hispanic community from United Way.
       ·    Franzoi saw a CNN news story of a 13-year-old who invented a braille printer with a Lego Mindstorms kit for a school science project and recommended the purchase of such kits for the library, perhaps partnering with the Menasha Joint School District or the Boys and Girls Club to encourage kids to use them.    

Discussion/Action Items
4.    2018 Salaries and Wages.  Lenz provided a list of those employees recommended by their supervisors for merit and step increases on their wage scale.  Adjustments will begin on January 14, 2018, the first day of the first full pay period in the new year.  Motion made by VanderHeyden, seconded by Wicihowski, to approve the merit and step increases as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion to adjourn made at 4:49pm by Golz, seconded by Wicihowski.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by  Kathy Dreyer, recording Secretary