May 8, 2018

Called to order at 4:47pm by Englebert
Present:        Englebert, Halverson and Wicihowski
Absent:        Hermans and Witt
Also Present:    Director Lenz and K. Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)

Public Comment/Communication:  None

Approval of Minutes
Motion made by Halverson, seconded by Wicihowski to approve the Marketing & Resource Development Committee meeting minutes of March 22, 2018.  Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion/Action Items
   Hispanic Community
     ·    Based on the ad prices, ¼ page full color ads in La Vida Hispana will be placed over the next six months.  Lenz will find out the deadline for the June newspaper and put something together to focus on the summer reading program in June and July.  
     ·    It was suggested making the area by the Hispanic collection more inviting or more of a destination by adding chairs, couch, Mexican flag, etc.
     ·    The committee would like a report on the checkouts of the Hispanic collection to see if our efforts are increasing circulation at the end of summer.

   Influential Community
     ·    A series of mailings will be sent to influential members describing what we are currently doing, how people can help the library then specific items/services needed.  The first mailer will be a colorful report showing how libraries and technology are changing, library usage, how we rank in the state and where libraries will be in the next 2 years.

     1.    Develop a 6-month plan of ads for La Vida Hispana.
     2.    Distribute the list of influential community members to the trustees to make additions.
     3.    Develop a mailer or informational piece to send to the list of influential community members.

 A list of the marketing expenses was distributed.  The committee requested that the expenses be categorized.  

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 10, at 4:45pm

Motion made by Wicihowski, seconded by Englebert to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 5:52pm.  

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary