Elisha D. Smith Public Library
Gegan Board Room
May 23, 2018
Called to order at 4:01pm by Chairman Englebert
Present: Chairman Englebert, Trustee Franzoi (arrived at 4:02pm), Vice Chairman Golz, Trustee Halverson, Ad Hoc Trustee Hermans, Trustee Schwerbel, Superintendent of Schools VanderHeyden (arrived at 4:04pm), Secretary Wicihowski and Teen Representative Genz
Absent: Trustee Witt
Also Present: Director Lenz, Adult Services Supervisor Bongers, Support Services Supervisor Brandt and Administrative Assistant Dreyer
Public Comment/Communication: None
Consent Business
Motion made by Schwerbel, seconded by Wicihowski, to approve the Library Board meeting minutes from April 25, 2018, and accept the minutes of the Policies & Personnel Committee of May 8, 2018, the Marketing & Resource Development Committee meeting on May 8, 2018, and the Governance Committee meeting of May 10, 2018. Motion carried unanimously.
Authorization of Bills
The Modern Business Machines invoice is the annual fee and Service Master is contracted by the city. Motion made by Golz, seconded by Halverson to authorize payment of the May 2018 bills as presented from the 2018 budget, endowment fund and WALS Technology Account. Motion carried unanimously.
Director’s Report
1. April Statistics.
In comparison to April, 2017, circulation of physical materials was up 1.9%, circulation of digital materials was up 38.2%; combined they average an increase of 4.1%. Meeting room use was up 13.2% and reference/informational assistance was up 14.8% over the same month last year; children’s circulation was down 2.3% and program attendance was up 15.9%. Periodical circulation may be down due to titles going out of business or reducing the number of issues.
2. Budget Status.
Trustees reviewed the 2018 budget’s status.
3. Staff Reports.
· The Gale Courses service will be renewed.
· DPI issued new library standards that were distributed.
· The library’s endowment received two substantial donations: Bob H. Erickson donated funds to purchase wide-screen monitors for the sixteen public computers and a Community Foundation trust was established by Don and Mary Alesch with the library listed as a beneficiary.
· The book bike will be going to Banta Elementary on June 4 to give out the books donated by Franzoi & Franzoi, SC.
· LED lights have been installed that will reduce electricity costs.
· Bongers and Lenz attended the Wisconsin Association of Public Libraries (WAPL) conference in Pewaukee. Bongers presented on the Fox Cities Reads.
· The Public Library System Redesign (PLSR) project continues with a comment period on the various committees’ recommendations for future of library systems in Wisconsin.
· Meetings on combining WALS and OWLSnet continue. Costs of this possible merger would be split evenly no matter which system would incur the cost.
· So far, about $800 has been forgiven for children and young adults during fine amnesty month.
· We will be passing out bookmarks at the Memorial Day Parade. Librarian Kirk Moore-Nokes will be riding the book bike.
Discussion/Action Items
4. Governance Committee Report
The committee agreed to recommend Christina Turner to the mayor for appointment to the library board. She was approved at Monday night’s council meeting. The process of developing a new strategic plan for the library will begin by establishing a timeline and discussion about who will be involved. The committee is recommending the following slate of officers for 2018-2019: Chair – Englebert; Vice
Chair – Golz; and Secretary – Halverson. Motion made by Schwerbel, seconded by Franzoi to accept the slate of officers as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Marketing & Resource Development Committee Report
The committee has purchased six months of ads in La Vida Hispana, recommended making the language collection area more inviting and recommended tracking the use of Spanish materials to try to gauge the impact of their efforts. They would like to create a brochure/mailer on the library to be sent to influential members in our community. The committee asked staff to keep track of marketing expenses. Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Schwerbel that the initial marketing budget for this year be set at $5,000. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Policies and Personnel Committee Report
The committee is recommending the following for the board to consider voting upon next month:
· Changing the full-time work week from 37 hours to 37.5 to be consistent with the city effective January 1, 2019,
· Splitting the full-time position currently held by a clerk retiring in August to a half-time clerk plus one or two library assistants working fewer than 20 hours/week effective August 1, 2018, or whenever someone is hired,
· Adjusting the base pay rate for library assistants ($14/hour) and pages ($12/hour) effective August 1, 2018, or the start of a pay period closest to that date. This will not increase the wage item of the 2018 budget due to other changes recommended,
· Moving the Administration Assistant position to the same scale as that for Associate Librarian, at step 3, and changing that job description/duties effective August 1, 2018, or the start of a pay period closest to that date,
· Amending the Personnel Policy related to these changes and making some other corrections.
Motion to adjourn made at 4:43pm by Golz, seconded by Franzoi. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted by Kathy Dreyer, recording Secretary