Elisha D. Smith Public Library
Gegan Board Room
June 27, 2018
Called to order at 4:00pm by Chairman Englebert
Present: Chairman Englebert, Trustee Franzoi, Trustee Halverson, Ad Hoc Trustee Hermans, Trustee Schwerbel, Trustee Turner, Superintendent of Schools VanderHeyden, Secretary Wicihowski, Trustee Witt and Teen Representative Genz
Absent: Vice Chairman Golz
Also Present: Carrie Lane, Director Lenz, Adult Services Supervisor Bongers (arrived at 4:03pm) and Administrative Assistant Dreyer
Public Comment/Communication: None
Board Member Recognition
This is Wicihowski’s last meeting, after ten years as a trustee.
New Board Member
Welcome to new Trustee Turner. A new trustee contact information sheet with Englebert’s committee assignments for 2018-2019 was distributed.
Reappointment of Teen Representative to the Board
Motion made by Witt, seconded by Wicihowski to reappoint Genz as the library’s teen representative. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Business
Motion made by Schwerbel, seconded by VanderHeyden to approve the Library Board meeting minutes from May 23, 2018. Motion carried unanimously.
Authorization of Bills
The amount for heat is from April. The Baker & Taylor invoice from the endowment was for books that we gave to Banta Elementary students and was paid for by a donation from Franzoi & Franzoi. Motion made by Halverson, seconded by Franzoi to authorize payment of the June 2018 bills as presented from the 2018 budget and endowment fund. Motion carried unanimously.
Director’s Report
1. May Statistics.
Overall circulation for the year is up 3%. Trustees reviewed the library’s circulation over the past 20 years; our circulation has grown faster than the population of our service area or the average increase over that span of total circulation at all Wisconsin public libraries.
2. Budget Status.
Trustees reviewed the 2018 budget’s status. The amount of money we collect for faxes is applied to the telephone line item 22-01.
3. Staff Reports.
· Trustees would like to invite City of Menasha Administrative Services Director John Jacobs back to a meeting to explain any changes in sick leave & retirement benefits.
· Human resources staff at the city are interested in more closely aligning our two personnel policies. Trustees would like the city to provide a marked version of recommendations to review.
· The library’s endowment fund received a $870 donation in memory of longtime patron Dr. Jerome Riese. We have been asked to use it to purchase STEM materials for all ages.
· The WALS and OWLSnet library systems are discussing a merger. There is a representative from each county on the committee.
· The Building and Grounds Committee should meet sometime in July to discuss capital improvement projects for the next five years. Lenz will see when Public Works personnel can be there.
· We were asked by Health Department Director McKenney and the Mayor to open the library on Sunday, June 17, due to the heat index. A health department preparedness grant funded those expenses. We may be open again on Saturday, June 30, afternoon due to the anticipated heat index.
· There are 746 children, 110-115 teens, and 130-140 adults signed up for the summer reading program
· We celebrated Ruth German’s 45 anniversary of working at the library.
Discussion/Action Items
4. Library closed dates in 2019
Motion made by VanderHeyden, seconded by Wicihowski to approve the 2019 library closing dates as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Policies and Personnel Committee Recommendations
Motion made by Schwerbel, seconded by Wicihowski to approve the recommended changes made by the Policies and Personnel Committee that were presented last month. Motion carried unanimously.
Board Member Recognition
Englebert presented Wicihowski with an engraved wood book clock in appreciation for her 10 years of service on the library Board of Trustees.
Motion to adjourn made at 4:41pm by Halverson, seconded by Wicihowski . Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted by Kathy Dreyer, recording Secretary