September 20, 2018

Called to order at 3:30pm by Chair Halverson
Present:        Englebert, Halverson and Turner
Also Present:    Director Lenz and K. Dreyer (Business Manager)

Public Comment/Communication:  None

Approval of Minutes
Motion made by Englebert, seconded by Turner to approve the Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee meeting minutes from August 29, 2018.  Motion carried.

2019-2024 Strategic Plan
Presentation for library training
     ·    Distribute Strategic Planning Timetable.
     ·    Explain how initial input was obtained by staff from a survey and listening sessions.  If staff has any additional comments to please give them to Kathy by October 19.  Staff will also be asked to provide input in the future.
     ·    Christina and Jim will ask if there are any questions about this process.

Library Trends
     ·    A copy of the Strategic Planning Timetable was distributed.  
     ·    Tom Willadsen, Winnefox Inclusive Services and Special Needs Consultant, will be helping collect some research.  He will start by reviewing our timetable.  
     ·    Libraries who have Latino populations could help us learn how to reach out to that population.
     ·    We could go to Madison to talk with their outreach coordinator to find out what they are doing for the Latino population.
     ·    Market existing services that are not well known such as Shoutbomb.
     ·    Be more purposeful in researching patron/community needs.
     ·    A kiosk could be created at the library entrance to provide information and referral services.
     ·    More comfortable seating facing the windows.
     ·    Renovate basement meeting rooms.
     ·    More useful use of the library lobby.
     ·    Create center for people in need.
     ·    Create a center for technology access to kids outside of the school day.
     ·    Have volunteers who can help with college applications, tutoring and resume writing.
     ·    3D printer
     ·    More iPads/computers
     ·    Host gaming groups
     ·    Create foundation/endowment fund (designated)
     ·    Incorporate Friends group
     ·    Reading pens

Ideas for Community Focus Groups
     ·    Our next step will be collecting community input from surveys, listening sessions or Town Hall meetings.  We could create a survey using SurveyMonkey to distribute to our Constant Contact list and our social media sites.  Surveys could also be distributed to schools, senior center scouting groups, city hall, local businesses and social services.  Personal surveys could be conducted by telephone and in grocery stores.
     ·    Hold breakfast, lunch and evening meetings with snacks.
     ·    Locations could include:  library, The Attic, Brew Mill, UW Fox Valley, City Hall, Daily Grind, WeatherVane, Senior Center, Third Street Diner, Boys and Girls Club or churches.
     ·    Participants could include:  strategic partners, users, nonusers, representatives from organization with whom we collaborate, seniors and members of the Boys and Girls Club.
     ·    Vicki will check with the Boys and Girls Club and Senior Center for the best time to hold a Town Hall Meeting.
     ·    Christina will check with the Daily Grind and The Attic/Emprize Brew Mill to see if we could hold a Town Hall meeting at these locations.
     ·    Town Hall meetings will be held the week of November 5 and 12.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 8, 2018 from 3:00-5:00pm to pick dates for Town Hall meetings, the process, materials and determine who to invite.

Motion made by Englebert, seconded by Turner to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 5:11pm  

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary