October 8, 2018
Called to order at 3:06pm by Chair Halverson
Present: Englebert, Halverson and Turner (joined the meeting at 3:25pm)
Also Present: Director Lenz and K. Dreyer (Business Manager)
Public Comment/Communication: None
Approval of Minutes
Motion made by Turner, seconded by Englebert to approve the Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee meeting minutes from September 20, 2018. Motion carried.
2019-2024 Strategic Plan
Community Input Sessions
Wednesday, November 7, at 6:00pm at the Library
Facilitator: Halverson
Note Taker: Lenz and Dreyer
Friday, November 9, at Noon at the Senior Center
Facilitator: Englebert
Note Taker: Lenz and Dreyer
Bring a flip chart?
Monday, November 12, at 2:00pm at the Library
Facilitator: Turner
Note Taker: Lenz and Dreyer
A date/time TBD at Boys & Girls Club (Lenz will call Greg Lemke-Rochon)
Note Taker: Lenz and Dreyer
Bring a flip chart?
We will invite the following to the input sessions at the library: volunteers, patrons, contributors, aldermen, mayor, health department staff, park and recreation staff, area school staff, Menasha downtown business owners, Menasha Business Group, Rotary Club of Menasha, the Historical Society, League of Women Voters, Menasha Boys and Girls Club staff and members of the VFW. Halverson will create a letter to email and mail.
Posters will be created (Library looking for advice/ Library wants to hear from you) and given to Menasha downtown business owners, grocery stores and Third Street Diner.
1. Thank them for coming. Talk about how this is part of our strategic planning process for 2019-2024 and that we would like their input.
2. Add preliminary information – safe place, rich history dating back to the 1880’s, etc.
3. How often do you come to the library? (Stand up exercise – when does not apply, sit down)
In the last year, last 6 months, last month, more than once a week.
4. How many come to check out books, DVD’s, CD’s, etc.? Use the computers? Attend a meeting in one of the meeting rooms? Read periodicals? For a program/event?
5. What does the library currently provide that is most valuable to you?
6. What does the library not provide that you wish it did?
7. What more could we do to…
Help families prepare their children for school?
Support school curriculum?
Provide access to information, popular materials, and trusted digital resources?
Facilitate lifelong learning?
Bridge the technology divide?
Create a place for community members to gather?
Promote cultural awareness?
Preserve local history?
Maintain a building that is attractive, comfortable, and inclusive?
Continue the library’s widespread public & private support?
8. What other resources would you like to see at the library?
9. Do you come to the library for yourself or for another family member? If so, who? Do you check things out for yourself as well?
10. Does this facility meet your needs? What would you like to see changed?
11. How can the library reach more non-users?
Snacks will be provided such as cookies, pretzels, bottles of water, or cheese/sausage.
Lenz will send out an email asking trustees what dates will not work in January or February in order to conduct a SWOT Analysis and GAP Analysis. These meeting will also include library supervisors.
Englebert will arrange a field trip to the Madison Library the first week of December.
The committee reviewed the 2017 data from the Department of Public Instruction Division for Libraries and Technology and the Oshkosh Strategic Plan.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 3:00pm. An update will be given at the Board of Trustees meeting immediately following.
Motion made by Englebert, seconded by Turner to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 4:59pm
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary