January 7, 2019

Called to order at 4:04pm by Chair Halverson
Present:    Franzoi (arrived at 4:06pm), Golz, Halverson, Hermans, Lane, Schwerbel, Turner, VanderHeyden, Witt (via phone), and Genz (teen representative)
Absent:        Englebert
Also Present:    Director Lenz, Beson (Children’s Services Supervisor), Bongers (Adult Services Supervisor), Brandt (Support Services Supervisor) and K. Dreyer (Business Manager)

Public Comment/Communication:  None

2019-2024 Strategic Plan SOAR Analysis
Trustees were asked to review the information from the Strategic Planning Listening Sessions, Survey Results, The Aspen Institute Dialogue on Public Libraries and the SMART Goal Setting Guide Sheet.  Halverson reviewed the mission statement, vision (what we want to be/can change), and values.

As a warm-up activity, the group completed an exercise on successes and best-case/worst-case scenarios.  The intention was to think about how we can build on these successes, how we can move toward a best-case scenario, and how we can avoid a worst-case scenario.

·    Summer reading program with prizes
·    People/staff
·    More inquisitive to stay ahead
·    Statistics: more circ per capita than other Fox Cities libraries
·    Community center
·    Keeping up with change technology – computers, internet, Blue Jay computers
·    Collaborations
     -- schools, club, etc.
     -- displays
     -- many initiatives
·    Great building – good upgrades
·    Keeping up with demand

Best-Case Scenario
·    “Library of the Year”
·    Inspire learning
·    Drive development
·    Librarians actively engaged in community
·    Million-dollar endowment fund
·    Every student comes to the library at least four times a year or as needed
·    Entirely in sync with teacher’s curriculum
·    All facility issues resolved
·    Highly used by Latinos and all members of our community
·    Increased awareness and utilization of the library
·    Have enough technology for everyone who comes in
·    Increased interactive offerings and access on a variety of platforms, for a wide variety of target markets
·    Tutoring services expanded
·    More new, non-traditional programs, i.e. film production facility
·    Expand virtual library services, i.e. partner with Netflix to stream movies
·    Additional locations, e.g. Festival Foods / east side branch
·    Recognized by community as a vital part of the community and resources
·    What proprietary resources we have to make, we are First Choice

Worst-Case Scenario
·    Building burns down and we don’t rebuild it
·    Do nothing / stay same
·    Physical inventory increases but other elements do not i.e. only buying books
·    Funding – i.e. some Winnebago County funding lost and no plan to replace / city funding decreases
·    Community issues
·    No building improvements / stagnation
·    Not responsive to community needs / demographics
·    Not invest in technology, staff (retain) and development
·    Give up independence of Board to City
·    People stop coming
·    Unplanned loss of staff / leadership
·    Winnefox disbands
·    Loss of collection
·    Scandal

The group them proceeded to work on a SOAR exercise.  Similar to the strategic planning tool of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), this is a strategic planning exercise that focuses on Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results.

Strengths to Build On
·    Strong, helpful staff (culture), go above and beyond, don’t say no, find ways to help people, add services
      -- flexibility
      -- responsiveness
      -- great service
      -- treat everyone equally, respect for all
·    Children’s programs, summer reading programs with prizes
·    Facility (pro and con)
      -- separate areas, fireplace
      -- meeting room equipment and technology, set-up, kitchen – more robust than others, online booking
·    Partnership – expanded offerings through Winnefox (ILL, Overdrive)
·    Free parking
·    Online resources – investing in new technologies, i.e. DVDs, Playaways, etc.
·    Safe place
·    Credibility of the library

·    To fundraise
     -- restricted funds
     -- condition – no decrease in budget
     -- community support
·    More collaboration
     -- social services, taxes, blood drives, memory cafes, elder, veteran
­     -- serve as a conduit (center of bowtie:  resources / hub / services
             -- become a community hub)
·    Continue to provide access to content on all platforms / be responsive to changes
·    Serve as an educational resource for all ages (based on half-life of skills decreasing)
             -- retraining, updated skill sets
             -- beyond PK-12
             -- partner with employers / referrals?
·    Coffee – engage multiple senses (coffee hour/social hour)
·    Non-quiet areas of library to engage more
·    Expand beyond our walls – bring library / staff to them
·    Library teams for trivia contest (last week in January)
·    Digitize old materials – make accessible, finable
·    Capitalize on 125-year anniversary

·    Virtual – addresses 24/7
·    Remain updated and responsive
·    Expand availability of media
             -- devices
             -- internet
·    Touch each member of community in a positive way
             -- access efficiently when needed
·    Library as “family room of community”
·    “Demystify” libraries so people aren’t afraid to come here
     -- decreasing barriers/perceived barriers
     -- outreach – targeted i.e. cultural, demographic
     -- increase awareness that we can be asked anything
     -- marketing, videos
·    ID non-users to target them to come
     -- decrease barriers to use
·    Provide everything that people want
·    Marketing staff member / increase marketing and research
             -- sponsored by XYZ – then city pick up after 3 years
·    Weekender help
·    Dedicated outreach person(s)

Results  2024
·    What do we want our results to be?  (This should result in in high-level goals.)
·    As you think about this, one alternative is to think about having been voted Library of the Year (criteria needed).  Why did this occur?  How did we do it?  [Information and Criteria below – added later.]
     -- Library of the Year Nomination Overview & Award Criteria:  “The Library of the Year Award is conferred upon any type of Wisconsin library, library system or library network for distinguished achievement in service.  The staff, library board or administering body, and the community or people served shall all be involved in the work for which recognition is sought.  The award shall be based upon such activities or accomplishments as listed below.”
     -- Criteria:
        1.  General reasons for nomination (narrative)
        2.  User oriented services.
        3.  Support and enhancement of professional development opportunities and job satisfaction for    all employees.
        4.  Structure of library service including development and participation in networks and systems and cooperative planning and programming with other types of libraries or organizations.
        5.  Collections based on sound selection policies.
        6.  Changes or improvements in physical facilities resulting in better services.”
·    You don’t have to limit your thinking to this.  Based on what we discussed in the session and your understanding of the needs of the community and the library (think back to and/or consult the pre-reading for this session), what do you think our goals should be?

Next Steps / Important Dates
·    Trustees and staff were asked to provide 3-5 goals to be accomplished in 5 years to Halverson by Sunday, January 27.  
·    The Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee will meet on Wednesday, January 30, at 3:00pm to consolidate these goals.
·    The next Board of Trustees meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 30, at 4:00pm.
·    Next Steps in Strategic Planning (this same group) is scheduled for Wednesday, February 13, from 4:00 to 6:00pm.

The meeting adjourned at 6:06pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary