June 24, 2019

Called to order at 4:07pm by Chair Halverson
Present:        Halverson, Turner (arrived at 4:16pm) and Witt
Also Present:    Director Lenz and K. Dreyer (Business Manager)
Absent:    Hermans

Public Comment/Communication:  None

Approval of Minutes
Motion made by Witt, seconded by Halverson to approve the Marketing & Resource Development Committee meeting
minutes of September 4, 2018.  Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion/Action Items
     ·    Jim Englebert, Ana Maria Acosta (Librarian) and Director Lenz met with Jen Peterson (Media Specialist), Chris VanderHeyden (Superintendent) and Gretchen Lettau (ELL Coordinator) of the Menasha Joint School District to discuss programs with the Latino community.  
     ·    Engelbert would like for us to apply for a 3-year Basic Needs Grant through the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, Inc. for a part-time Outreach Coordinator.  We would replicate Appleton Public Library’s program which has proven to be successful.  The most successful grants work with other organizations.  The grant would need to include wages (time in and out of the library) and expenses such as mileage, business cards, books to hand out, t-shirts, cell phone and tablet.  This position would be at a clerk or assistant library level under the Children’s Department and would require the applicant to speak Spanish and work nights/weekends.  A position description with qualifications will need to be developed.  The Outreach Coordinator would go to homes with possibly a volunteer, staff or board member and arrange a time to come to the library to get a library card, take a tour and hear about programs.  Attending festivals and school functions would also be important.  We will need to track who is visited and if the anyone comes to the library.  The committee will review the grant application prior to sending to Carolyn Desrosiers, Community Engagement Manger, at the Community Foundation.  Lenz will set up a meeting with Tasha Saecker, Assistant Director of the Appleton Public Library.  Application deadline is September 1.
     ·    The committee will plan for the 125th anniversary of the library in 2023.
     ·    The committee reviewed the Marketing Plan developed by John Nebel and Lenz and will need to determine how do we reach the goals in the strategic plan.
     ·    At our next meeting, scheduled for Monday, July 29, at 4:30pm, we will have a brainstorming session.  

Motion made by Witt, seconded by Halverson to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 5:09pm.  

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary