Epoxy Resin in SMITHworks

Drop in during opening hours to create with resin!

What is epoxy resin?

Epoxy resin is a clear liquid that can be mixed with glitters, mica powders, or alcohol inks then poured into a silicone mold.

It takes 3 days (72 hours) to harden into a solid plastic, then it's ready to pick up.

How much does it cost?

3oz for $4

This includes using our molds, various add-ins, and any keychain/jewelry pieces to complete your project.

Do you provide add-in items for resin?

Our inventory varies so we cannot guarantee specific things, and you are welcome to bring your own add-ins.

We normally offer mica powders, alcohol inks, glitter, and dried leaves/flowers. Drop in to see what we currently have.

What if I can't return in 3 days to collect my resin?

That's okay! We hang on to your items until you are able to return to pick them up.