Sign up to receive your library notices on your cell phone.  

  • Get a text message when a hold is available for you.
  • Get a text message when an item you have is due soon. Renew with a reply!
  • Find out that an item you have is overdue. 

Get Started

  1. Use your cellphone to send a text message with only the keyword signup to 833.568.7242.
  2. Reply with the information requested. (If library card number is mistyped or a zero was accidentally omitted, an error message will be received asking for the number once again. Go back to your original message and make sure the library card number entered is accurate, make any necessary corrections and resend.)
  3. You will receive a reply asking you for your library card number. (If you receive a reply telling you that we could not understand your message, this typically means that the text was typed incorrectly. For example, signup is correct while sign up is not.)
  4. If the library card number is valid, you will receive a message asking for your PIN.
  5. If the PIN is valid, you will receive a message thanking you for registering.
  6. If registration is complete, you will receive a message asking for your email address. Sending your email address is optional.

This completes the signup process.

Your Options

By default, the following notices are turned on. (Texting the related keyword to 833.568.7242 will turn that type of notice off. Texting the keyword again, will turn that type of notice back on.)

REMINDER - this is a notice that things will soon be due.
OVERDUE - this is a notice that things are already overdue.
FEES - this is a notice that there are fines or fees owed.
PICKUP - this is a notice that you have holds ready to be picked up.
RENEW - this is a notice that things will soon be due, and you can renew them.

Send these keywords to 833.568.7242 to manage your account:

QUIT:  To stop receiving text messages.
ADDCARD:  To add additional library cards to your text message account.
DROPCARD:  To remove a card.
RESEND:  To have Shoutbomb resend your last received message.
HELP:   To view a list of available commands.
TEST: To test if your phone will work with Shoutbomb.
HL: Get a list of holds that are ready for pick up
RA: Renew all eligible items
RI: Get a list of items that are coming due and that cannot be renewed
RL: Get a list of items you can renew
OA: Renew all overdue materials
OI: Get a list of items that are overdue and cannot be renewed
OL: Get a list of overdue items you can renew

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be charged for this service?
The library doesn’t charge a fee for this service, but your cell phone plan’s regular text messaging rates still apply. Check with your cell phone service provider to see the cost of text messages in your service plan.

How do I use the Shoutbomb service in Spanish?
In order to use a language other than English, you must select the appropriate keyword that corresponds to the English equivalent. Below are the Spanish translations for each of the English keywords.
*Note: in some cases the keywords are always in English


What do I do if I don’t get a reply from the Shoutbomb service?

The Shoutbomb service processes all request within 60 seconds of receiving your message, but some cell phone providers do not deliver this first message promptly. Wait and see if the reply arrives. If after 4 hours you still have not received a reply, send the keyword resend to 833.568.7242.
You can only use the RESEND command three times per day. This limitation is in place to protect from spam messages. If you do not receive a reply after three days, then send an e-Mail detailing your issue to

When will I receive texts?
Texts will be sent only when activity on your account triggers a message and will usually arrive around 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

What if I switch phones but keep the same number?
If you switch to a new cell phone and the phone number remains the same it won't always transfer the service to the new phone. Text the keyword SWITCHPHONE to 833.568.7242 and follow any prompts.

How do I report an issue?
If you are experiencing any issues with the service or you would like to make a suggestion for improvement, please text/e-Mail your comments to

Because Shoutbomb is a separate service not affiliated with your library or Winnefox Library System, we are unable to tell whether or not a text notice was sent or received.  Remember, you will still receive whatever e-Mail, phone, paper notices you would normally get from the library. Winnefox Library System is using Shoutbomb to provide you an additional notification option to help you manage your library account easier: on your phone, wherever you may be.

How do I quit using the Shoutbomb service?
To end all text notifications and cancel your registration, text the message quit to 833.568.7242, then reply to the instructions from Shoutbomb.